Wednesday, October 27, 2010

iPhone4: Fix / Enable banned Facetime in Middle East

For all those depressed users who bought their iPhone4 device from the middle east and have no facetime on their devices after updating to iOS4.1. Finally a ptach is issued by darkvoid on Cydia which allows you to have the feature back and working. steps can be found at

You basically need to:
1. jailbreak using limerain or pwnagetool.
2. make sure your number is put correctly on settings->phone->my number (ex: +20101234567).
3. add the source
4. install the package factime switch. you can search for com.darkvoid and this will get u there.
5. after the device restarts, make sure your wifi is on and then set settings->phone->facetime as on.

That's it. You are good to facetime.

NB. If you fail to install the package, then make sure to have openSSH and mobileTerminal installed prior to installing the facetime switch package. I think it is only openSSH required or may be mobilesubstrate that is installed as a prerequisite but this is how i got it to work.

UPDATE 1: iPhoneIslam has released a safer (according to their website) patch which can be found by adding their source and then searching for the application Facetime Hacktivator. Full steps can be found at

UPDATE 2: Bigboss has another patch on their repository with name MiddleWhat

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